I don’t know if you’ve ever read Susan Sontag’s essay/s about ‘Illness as Metaphor’ but she discusses how these attitudes put pressure on the unwell person to somehow resist their own illness. She was writing in response to her own cancer and then in the face of the AIDS crisis. Well worth reading.

Hope you’re doing OK at the moment Lucy 💛

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Ahhh thank you so much Ros 🫶🏻❤️ ahhh someone else mentioned that to me the other day too, I need to read it! Sending you huge love and hope you’re doing ok xxx

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Thank you for sharing this, Lucy. I really don’t like the ‘warrior’ narrative for chronic illness either. I think the metaphor falls flat in so many ways, especially with the implication that those who can’t just push through symptoms aren’t fighting hard enough. Sending good thoughts your way 💙

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Thank you so much for reading Katie💗You’re absolutely right the warrior metaphor falls flat in so many ways, I’ve got lots of unlearning to do around it. Sending you huge love from Cornwall xxx

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