I've been feeling very similar to you recently Lucy. In pain and tired, writing around the margins of life's responsibilities and trying to look after myself. I too was a child who dreamt of being a writer, spending hours making up poems about horses on my typewriter. Now, aged 42 that dream is a real as ever and here we are, figuring out how to live creatively in the messiness of life. Keep going. We can do this x

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Thank you so much Kelly for such a lovely comment and I am so sorry for the slow reply. Sending you huge love and healing wishes from Cornwall <3 Pain is just blinking horrid, isn't it? It's amazing to look back on the child-writer within and reflect on those tentative wishes that we sowed back then... I so wish I could return to 8 year old me and give her a hug and tell her to keep on keeing on. Thank you so much for the warm encouragement and lovely words xxx

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No need to apologise at all. And a big yes to giving our younger selves a warm hug and words to encourage her. Isn't it a lovely thing to imagine? I hope you're keeping well too xo

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deletedMar 12Liked by Lucy Beckley
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Oh thank you so much Luisa, it would be SUCH a privilege and a pleasure to host you. Your cabin sounds truly magical. I'm determined by hook or by crook to make the venue in Cornwall a reality... In the meantime, dreaming about it is providing me wiht such joy and a lovely distraction. If you ever want a little escape, you would be so very welcome to come and test out the little solo retreat space, I'm always looking for feedback and beta testers.... So please take this as a warm invitation and feel free to message me if you are interested xxx

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