The start of your year sounds very similar to mine, Lucy. I've so often berated myself for not being able to stick to a regular writing habit, but I've found so much freedom and permission in working with my own seasons and cycles, and way more self-compassion. Every time I've tried to start something this year, pain and illness have interrupted, so I can relate to your frustration and annoyance. But indeed, the words return just like the swallows... beautiful and thoughtful piece, and so appreciated. Sending well wishes x

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Oh Kelly, thank you so much for taking the time to read my piece and for the kind and encouraging words. I am so sorry it's taken me so long to reply and I am so sorry to hear that pain and illness have interrupted things for you recently, it's so horrid isn't it. I'm learning too that leading with compassion and a soft, tender touch is the way for me to navigate these things but the frustration and annoyance can taste so bitter. A recent period of enforced rest and quiet has been so healing for me and part of me doesn't want to leave the warm cocoon that I've built around myself. Sending you huge love from Cornwall and hope that you get a cloud gap of sunshine and space soon xxx

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What a beautiful poem! The words will always return, just like your swallows. Everything in life has a season and perhaps this is your time to rest a while. Sending love xx

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Thank you so much Naomi for your kind encouragement and lovely words... Rest has been so restorative for me recently and I don't think I've realised how much I needed it or how I actually need to learn to do it! Sending you huge love xxx

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Apr 23Liked by Lucy Beckley

Beautiful piece of writing. Thank you for sharing the real life rhythms of writing. The swallows! I did a small inhale! And this poem is perfect x

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Oh Nelly, thank you so so much for your lovely words. I'm finally realising that my rhythm of writing is never quite what I imagine or plan it to be and am trying to accept that it will always be in fits and starts and that the interruptions are just life doing its thing... I was so excited to see the swallows this year. Sending you huge love from Cornwall xxx

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That’s it exactly. And I try to think of the quieter times as gathering up all the threads that will come together at some point. Is writing your main creative outlet? It is mine, I’m wondering if I need a better second one to slip into the gaps 🤷‍♀️

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Sending love Lucy. It's been a weird ole start to the year. Be gentle.

My writing has dipped (disappeared?) too. Have invested some thought and energy towards completing 'something' during May and June with a little more focus, so am dearly hanging onto that and hoping...x

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Ahh thank you so much Luisa for reading this and for your lovely kind words... What a weird start to the year it has been! I hope you are ok. There is something about the month of May for me where I find the clouds part a little and there is a pocket of space to just breath... maybe it's to do with the light, I'm such a seeker of sun and have found this particular Cornish winter exceptionally mizzlery and drizzly and dark. Sending you huge love xxx

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