Such beautiful offerings and words Lucy 💛

I'm so glad you are taking time to heal. There is so much in womanhood that has lost its ceremony and ritual- and the things that do seem surprisingly superfluous in comparison to the things that don't. I love that you are finding ways to say your own goodbye. There's something in that the seems alchemical and magical, and beyond that, necessary.

Much love to you xx

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Oh thank you so much Jane for these lovely and kind words. You're so right, there is so much lost in terms of ritual and ceremony in womanhood and I can't seem to find anything in terms of other offerings that are right or fit the context of how I want to say goodbye... So here's to making up our own and reclaiming some space in the absence of it all. Huge love to you from Cornwall xxx

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I have no doubt whatever you come up with will be perfect xx

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Lucy, thank you for sharing how your healing is going. I had been wondering about you. You have been through the mill indeed, but this reads with such tenderness and beauty. I love the idea of your ritual to say farewell to your womb, it is a moment that should be marked indeed. Wishing you continued rest and recovery x

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Thank you so very much, Kelly, for your lovely words. I do so hope you are doing ok. I'm weirdly enjoying the thought of how to honour and say goodbye to it. It definitely feels right to mark it and in the absence of any tradition, I'm excited to create my own and in that respect take back a bit of something that I can control as it has felt like the rest of it has been very much out of my own control. Huge love to you from Cornwall xxxx

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I am glad you're healing and that you've allowed yourself time to rest. I think the retreats and writing spaces that you're holding sound heavenly and I can't wait to hear more about your children's stories.

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Lovely Naomi, ahhhh thank you so so much. You need to come and stay and test drive the retreat space!!! I am equal parts terrified and excited about the children's stories, they are rather embarassing and rather cringey but it's been enjoyable and fun to play with! Huge love to you xxxx

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