Welcome to Rainbows in Washing Lines

A newsletter and space about rainbows in washing lines, writing, mothering and more…

I hope that with this space, I can provide a cloud gap and space to share my enthusiasm for writing.

You’ll also have the opportunity to join some of my workshops as well as read some longer form pieces, poetry and more.

About Lucy

A creative thinker, word tinkerer and wearer of many hats.

From writer to marketing consultant, from poet to mother, from florist to font geek, from holder of space to brownie baker. My name is Lucy and it’s nice to ‘meet’ you. I believe that the best stories are the ones hidden away in plain sight, scribbled on the back of a hand, stuffed in a drawer or filed away in a library of memories.

I love to dive behind the everyday ordinary and find something extraordinary.

I run creative writing workshops and affordable solo writing retreats for women from our home in Cornwall.

Read about my most recently published work, book a solo retreat in Cornwall or get in touch if you would like to work with me.

Subscribe to Rainbows in Washing Lines

A cloud gap to help you pause, take a breath and collect some creative kindling. I'll share some poems, things that have caught my attention, dates for solo retreats and creative writing workshops.


A creative thinker, word tinkerer and wearer of many hats. From writer to mother, from holder of space to brownie baker, my name is Lucy and it’s nice to ‘meet’ you.